National Statistical Day 2015 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Temanggung Regency

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National Statistical Day 2015

National Statistical Day 2015

September 26, 2015 | Other Activities

Commemoration of National Statistics 2015 Statistic-Temanggung District

In order to enliven the warning HSN 2015, Statistic-Temanggung District held a variety of sporting events , namely :
1. Game Badminton Men's Doubles 22 September 2015
2. The match Futsal 25 September 2015

Apples ceremony HSN BPS 2015 in Temanggung District was held on Monday 28 November 2015 followed by all the elements of leadership and staff BPS Temanggung District , led by Head of Statistics-Temanggung, Mr. Arjuliwondo , S.Si. After the apple followed by blood donation , and concludes with a simple tumpengan event , as an expression of gratitude for all the gifts of Allah SWT who has been delegated to the BPS , to grow into today. Greetings PIA
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